• Aniseed Myrtle


    I love all things liquorice or aniseed and Anise myrtle is just that in Australian native herb form

    Known lovingly as Aniseed myrtle, this dried and milled leaf is a fantastic addition to any dish requiring an aniseed flavour.  Use instead of Star Anise or even Pernod. The flavour diminishes if you cook too long, so like with many herbs add to your dish at the end of the cooking, this Australian native dried leaf won't disappoint. A great addition to a salad, Thai style food or seafood.  If you love "all things" aniseed, which I do, Anise myrtle is a great one to have in your kitchen pantry Remember, as with all herbs and spices, whilst they look fantastic on show in the kitchen, the best place to store it is in a dry, dark, cool space.
  • Australian grown Green Tea, Ginger and Lemon Myrtle

    Perfect pick-me-up in the morning tea.  Great stomach settler after a heavy night. 75g pack
  • Australian grown Green Tea is Victorian grown in the high country with just the right amount of sun and rain!  Its grown and dried using the traditional Japanese methods to create an amazing and beautiful tea, the perfect brew for any tea lover.

    Native Lemon Grass and Ginger Tisane

    The Australian landscape is alive with Native Lemon Grass, add the classic partner Ginger a combination to revive the spirit and tantalize the senses

    Want the perfect iced tea on a hot Summer day?

    just make tea as usual, add sweetener to taste and chill.
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    These blood red limes have a soft-sweet limey flavour.  Available frozen.
  • From Seeds to Leaves, by Doug & Robin Stewart. "This book is a must-have for anyone who is keen to preserve our native environment" Jamie Durie
  • design by Julie Page, blank paged journal
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    Aromatic cinnamon-like aroma. Backhousia myrtifolia  grows in the sub tropics of of Eastern AustraliaB. myrtifolia is also known as carrol ironwoodneverbreakironwood or grey myrtle, or Australian lancewood. The Cinnamon myrtle tree can grow up to 30 metres. The leaves vary from 4 to 7 cm long, with a cinnamon-like aroma. Flowers are star-shaped.
  •  Bush tomato & native pepper combine in this curry for an exotic taste experience

    OutbackChef Australian Red curry has been inspired by the wonderful strong spicy curries from India with Australian bushfood herbs

    I'd love you to try my RED CURRY CAULIFLOWER SOUP, it's a winner at any dinner party...recipe inside pack. click on image for recipe ideas.
  • Australian native food mingle with Eastern spices in this unique curry

    This Australian native curry is perfect with fish, chicken or as a vegetable curry.  Lemon myrtle, Anise Myrtle and native Australian peppers make the perfect curry.

    Easy to make, just add your meat or vegetables, a little extra chilli, if you want it hotter and your meal is complete.
  • Outback Bush Curry a great all-rounder, aromatic and spicey

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    Davidson Plums have tart plum flavour rich in zinc, Vit E and calcium plus lutein for eye health.  This is a highly concentrated powder. Davidson Plum is a deep purple very tart and acidic fruit eaten by the coastal Aboriginal people.  Davidson Plum is higher in lutein than avocados, lutein is an important vitamin for eye health by improving the symptoms in atrophic age-related degeneration by inhibiting inflammation. They were used frequently  by the early pioneers to make jams and preserves.  OutbackChef now makes a popular fruit paste with these plums. Davidson Plums may have an anti diabetic effect and may have the capacity to reduce hypertension and obesity. Extensive research has been done into Davidson Plums...and I'm quoting directly from "The Health Aspects of Australian Native Food" , research done through Australian Government's Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, 2009.....further information of this species and other native foods can be found on our blog.....
    In Davidson’s Plums, anthocyanins were the major phenolic compounds detected.
    Anthocyanins are plant pigments responsible for the red, purple and blue colours of fruits and vegetables. they are an increasingly important group of natural food colorants.
    The total amount of anthocyanins in Davidsonia jerseyana was 98.6 mg C3G/g DW and in Davidsonia pruriens was 47.8 mg C3G/g DW (Table 1). The observed differences could be due to cultivar specificity and/or fruit maturity. Other components found in small amounts included myricetin, rutin and quercetin hexoside. Anthocyanins are potent antioxidants and a range of health benefits arising from their consumption have been reported, such as anti-diabetic effects [21] and reduction of obesity [22]. Cyanidin 3- sambubioside isolated from flowers of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. induced apoptosis (programmed cell death, known also as cell suicides) of cancer cells in vitro (cell culture studies) [23].
    Table 3. Major phenolic compounds identified in selected native Australian fruits
    T- traces; P – possible (confirmation required) * This extract contained components that require further investigation in order to establish their identity. Major peaks in the extract exhibited m/z 682 (fragments: 454, 438), m/z 454 (fragments 182, 210, 226), m/z 334 (fragment 164).
    Based on the high level of anthocyanins in the flesh, the potential application of Davidson’s Plum as a source of a natural food colour with health-enhancing properties for a wide application in beverages and confectionery might be considered.
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    Davidsonia pruriens Aboriginal name " Ooray" A tart flavoured dark red plum, great for jams and conserves, making sauces to go with beef or kangaroo, a bush fruit known for it's health benefits, much research is currently being done Davidson Plum is a small, narrow, rainforest tree which bears an edible plum with purple-black skin.  If you want to give your jams and chutneys a truly gourmet Australian food flavour, these bush fruits are perfect. Great to make jam with and because of it's dark red colouring can be used to colour and flavour sauces, ice-cream an drinks.
  • 100% Australian products
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    Desert Limes are a small fruit about the size of a grape with a wonderful "limey" flavour Australian Desert Lime or Wild limes have an intense lime flavour without the tart edge that traditional limes have, I can eat them quiet easily alone.  Like all limes they are extremely versatile.  There are a number of native limes that have been developed, the Desert Lime being one of them. Wild Limes were used as a food source by Indigenous people, the easy pioneers to Australia harvested them for use in jams and preserves and they are now an extremely popular lime on many restaurant menus.
  • Bush Tomato or Desert Raisin Relish, perfect relish for your true-blue Aussie Hamburger

    This relish made from Australian Bush Tomatoes, Solanum centrale, called Desert Raison's by the early settlers are a low desert shrub.

    When the Bush Tomato fruit turns from green to red and drops to the ground it's ready for eating. A popular food source of Australia's indigenous people for generations. This relish is the perfect way to enjoy the unique flavour of the bush tomato. Whilst they are related to tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) they could possibly be even a closer relation to the eggplant (S.melongena) which they have many details in common. Bush tomatoes taste like a sun dried tomato with caramel overtones, they can be quite bitter if too large a quantity is used in cooking.  Consider them like a spice rather than as a fresh tomato.
  • Native or Desert Limes made from native limes grown in West Australia.

    Desert Limes are an Australian native fruit that has a soft lime flavour.

    The Limes are wild-harvested around the end of the year, according to the season then go straight into the pot to create this sensational marmalade. These bright green baubles have been turned into a marmalade fit for a king or queen
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    Wild Australian Finger limes

    Finger Limes come in a variety of colours from bright green to corals, reds and champagne colours.

    Finger Limes are Australia's native citrus.  The bright greens are quite tart in flavour, the pinks and reds are a lot less tart.
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    Muntries were eaten by Aboriginal people in the south east of South Australia. They would eat them fresh or dry them out to preserve; they could then be ground into a paste, mix with dampers or eat as a leather. They contain up to four times more antioxidants than blueberries and provide natural waxes that are good for skin nourishment.
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    Australian native lime,  similar to a lime-cumquat in flavour. Recipe Idea:  Apricot & Sunrise Lime Conserve with Anise Myrtle
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