Saltbush Atriplex nummulalria. Is a hardy and fairly fast growing bush, containing protein, calcium and trace elements, as well as a great anti-oxidant.     This salty bush herb is fast becoming very popular for it’s salty/earthy flavour.  We use saltbush at the Wild Food Farm on a lot of the dishes in the Cafe, its used both freshly cut from the bush or dried and milled.  It grows in both saline and non saline soils in the southern states of Australia and is very popular as drought fodder for stock.

Old Man Saltbush has survived a long time in the harsh drought-climate of Australia, the root system goes extremely deep to get access to water as well as many trace elements that it draws thru it’s roots and disperses it to the leaves.  The animals who gaze on Old Man Saltbush often don’t need worming or drenching as they get no parasites that can plague those who are grass fed.

Stock that are saltbush fed have become popular for their delicious meat.  I’ve found that regular pruning of the bush keeps is getting too woody and gives a really nice dense bush.  The leaves are a beautiful sage green and we often pick them to go with other leaves and flowers for our Cafe table vases.