• Sunrise Limes are used in this true-blue Aussie marmalade with a lime cumquat flavour

    These Sunrise Limes are harvest from my friends, Vickie and Marks property in Western Australia.  They are nurtured and grown with care to produce the best superfood limes ever. Makes a perfect bushfood gift for you or someone special
  • Brachyshiton polulneus. 20 seeds per pack
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    Wild Australian Pepper, grow your own pepperberries

    Australian Mountain Pepperberry bush is a shrub/small tree of 4 to 5 metres.

    This shallow rooting plant dehydrates on hot days so it will need a good water supply and plenty of shade. The leaves can be used throughout the year and make an excellent peppery additive when cooking a wide range of dishes. The berries (produced on female plants) are very hot, and when dried they can be used with a pepper grinder. This pack contains 30 seeds and also includes instructions for germination and harvesting. Buy some today to have your own supply of this delicious herb. Its natural habitat is in the cool, moist, elevated areas of Tasmania and south-east Australia.
  • Lomandra longifolia. Grows in temperate to arid, across the East coast of Australia, leaves have traditionally been used for basket making. Not only do these beautiful Australian native grasses make refreshing bush snacks, but their leaves have traditionally been used for basket making. This pack contains 30 seeds and propagating instructions.
  • 100% Australian grown olives with our own native bushtucker Desert Limes
  • Also known as Red Desert Lime
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    Bats Wing Coral Tree can grow up to 10m The bark has thick thorns and the flowers are bright red and pea shaped, flowering from November to December. Honey -eaters love the sweet nector from the flowers. It's a native of NSW, QLD. NT. SA & WA, it prefers ight to medium soils in an open sunny position is drought resistant, but can be a little frost sensitive. ; It reuqires watering in Summer but don't over water. ; Requires good drainage. I have often seen the seeds from this tree made into necklaces by the Aboriginal women. ; The large seeds are bright red, they would made some bush-string and then thread the seeds on for a really decorative necklance. ; This pack contains 3 large seeds.
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    This beautiful plant with the delicious fruit that taste like spicy apples, muntries grow naturally around Western Victoria and Eastern South Australia. Muntries are also known as emu appless and native cranberries, they were a favourite of the Aboriginal people and the early settlers. ; Muntries likes light, free draining soils and the temperate conditions of southern Australia. It is naturally prostrate but can be trellised into an upright shrub for easy harvesting. ; When ripe the berries are green with a red tinge. Best planted around late autumn to mid winter.  They have four times the anti oxidant as blue berries and have a natural wax that is good for skin nourishment. This pack contains 30 seeds and propagating instructions.
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    Solanum centrale.....Bush tomato a spicey/caramel/sundried tomato taste.  Add to casseroles, your favourite Italian tomato pasta sauce or where ever you want. Bush tomato, Solanum centrale, is a small shrub to 30 cm. It suckers and has spines on its branches. Bush tomatoes are harvested when they are ripe (dark brown) with a raisin-like appearance. Green or unripe fruits are toxic. This bushfood is widely used for sauces, and chutneys & relishes. Also called Desert raisin or Desert tomato. This species are native to central Australia in areas of low rainfall (150 to 300 mm). This pack contains 3 dried fruit that contain between 20-50 seeds
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    Traditionally grass trees were of great importance to the Aboriginal population, they ate the fresh new leaves and extracted starch from the upper portion of the trunk CLIMATE: Tropical to temperate to cool NATURAL HABITAT: Widespread across the Eastern and Southern states FEATURES: A striking erect plant with a crown of wiry slender leaves. This is a painting courtesy of botanical artist, Beverley Graham PLANTING & CARE: A pack of 10 seeds. Sow in good quality native potting mix. Plants are very hardy, are frost and drought tolerant, but are very slow growing. ; Traditionally grass trees were of great importance to the Aboriginal population, they ate the fresh new leaves and extracted starch from the upper portion of the trunk.
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