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Apricot & Sunrise Lime Conserve

Remember if you're cooking jams or conserves that you are dealing with high temperatures, make sure your arms are covered and also wear protective eyeware, gloves and shoes, burns happen really easily when these start boiling and it does splutter....keep your kids away from the kitchen during this time. When I was cooking professionally as a confectioner I had a lot of burns, particularly in the early days, most are preventable, so take care; but enjoy your cooking.....these are the fun things to do and make great gifts, who doesn't love a pot of home-made "something"

Apricots and Sunrise Limes

 1.5kg Apricots, halved with seed removed from my backyard.
 200g Sunrise Limes from Western Australia
 1.7 kg sugar from Queensland
 1 teaspoon Anise myrtle from New South Wales

Put Apricots into a saucepan


Add one cup of water


Put Sunrise Limes thru a processor and then add to saucepan


Bring the fruit and water to boil


Add sugar and stir occasionally until it reaches 105C


Add the Aniseed myrtle


To test for setting put a teaspoon of the conserve onto a chilled plate, it should wrinkle then pushed with a finger.


If for some reason you feel the conserve is too runny, mix 20g of fruit pectin with 20g of sugar and sprinkle into the mix, work quickly with this at it can form globules, so sprinkle thinly and mix whiles your doing it, your conserve should set pretty well then. Sometimes the seasonal fruit can impact on setting.