• Warragul Greens make a great edible ground cover

    Tetragonia tetragonioides  This green leafy plant likes all but the coldest climates, can be grown hydroponically.  I"ve got it growing really well in a shady spot in my garden and am constantly picking from it.  Others have it in the sun, this bushtucker plant is hardy, healthy and rampant. Warragul Greens is a perennial plant ; and reaches about 50 cm tall and has distinctive arrow-shaped dark green leaves. A good substitute for spinach, you can blanch in hot water for about 1 minute, then plunge into cold water, this removes the mildly toxic oxalates, but not always necessary.  I only blanch if the leaves are really mature as they can have bitter overtones, but normally I'm picking my Warraguls regularly for pies, and add to salads etc so just chop them up. Once established this plant is very tough and will provide you with year round food.  It likes all but the coldest climates.....you can cut it and it will grow again and again. ; They can be grown hydroponically. The packet contains approximately 30 seeds and instructions for propagation.
  • Grown your own Wattleseed!

    Wattle trees grow throughout Australia

    Wattleseed, Acacia victoriae  The wattle tree makes an excellent hedge and is also often used as a fodder crop

    Acacia victoriae is drought and frost resistant.  The seeds are collected in summer, ground and roasted. Their nutty texture and coffee-like aroma have made them highly sought after for use in confectionery and baking. This seed pack contains 30 seeds and includes instructions for germination and harvesting the seed. Seeds from the Wattle tree are edible, but there are a few species that aren't so be sure to check with an expert before trying them. A great bushfood treat.  These seeds are Acacia victoriae.
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